Despite the stigma often associated with discussions about sexual health, it is as vital as any other aspect of overall health. Understanding the signs and symptoms to watch for is crucial for maintaining your sexual well-being. Being informed about sexual health issues can empower you to seek treatment and enhance your confidence in intimate relationships. Here are five important sexual health issues to know about and how we can help at Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics.
Erectile Dysfunction Can Be a Sign of Cardiovascular Problems
Эректильная дисфункция is one of the most common types of sexual health issues that men experience. Although it can have many different causes, it’s sometimes tied to an underlying cardiovascular issue. This is because the blood vessels that supply the penis become less efficient, preventing erection. Prostate cancer can also cause difficulty achieving erection. Similarly, it’s important to know the following:
- Changes in libido may be an early sign of diabetes or hormone imbalance
- Early ejaculation can be caused by nerve damage or urinary conditions
Anti-Depressants Can Cause Sexual Dysfunction – But Not Always
It’s widely known that medications for anxiety and depression can cause difficulty with sexual function, but it’s important to understand that this is different for everyone. Each person responds differently to each medication, meaning you may benefit from switching medications or lowering your dosage if you’ve been experiencing sexual side effects. Also, don’t avoid treatment for your mental health if you’re afraid of sexual side effects. Treating your mental health should come first – then, you can worry about treating sexual dysfunction.
Mental Health Can Affect Sexual Health
Depression and anxiety are extremely common in men, but it’s not often mentioned that they can have a significant effect on sexual functioning. Erectile dysfunction and низкое либидо are common side effects of depression and anxiety, which can, in turn, make these conditions worse. It’s important to see these as symptoms and get treatment for your mental health – which can, in turn, help your sexual health.
Improving Your Overall Health Can Improve Sexual Health
Sexual activity encompasses many different bodily systems beyond our reproductive organs. It also involves the cardiovascular, neurological, hormonal, and psychological systems. They all work together to contribute to the experience, meaning supporting your whole-body health can help your sexual performance. Getting regular exercise and eating a variety of foods can not only help you feel better, but it can help you more thoroughly enjoy sexual activity.
Age Can Bring Changes in Sexual Function
We know that women experience changes in sexual health as they age and go through menopause, but it’s not as well known that men can experience something similar. As they age, many men see changes in their уровень гормонов, which can affect sexual functioning and libido. This may change the way you engage in sexual activity, or it may even require treatment from an intimate health expert. It’s important to understand these changes and adapt to them in order to keep leading a fulfilling sex life.
Men’s Sexual Health at Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics
To meet with our intimate health providers and learn more, обращайтесь в наш офис today and schedule a consultation. We conveniently serve the greater Queens, NY and Long Island areas.
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