Что мне нужно знать о заместительной терапии тестостероном и подходит ли она мне?

With its rising popularity, you’ve likely heard about терапия тестостероном and the many things it promises. Testosterone therapy can be an incredibly helpful treatment for men experiencing signs of low hormones, but it’s not for everyone – and it’s common to have some misconceptions about it. Here’s what to know about testosterone therapy and how our intimate health providers can help here at Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics.

Что такое тестостерон?

We tend to associate testosterone exclusively with men, but testosterone is a hormone that helps regulate a variety of bodily functions in both men and women. In men, testosterone is especially responsible for promoting muscle mass, creating sperm, maintaining energy levels, regulating sex drive, and much more. Testosterone levels can become lower for a variety of reasons, the primary one being older age. When this happens, testosterone therapy, or reintroducing testosterone to supplement the body’s levels, can relieve symptoms and drastically increase quality of life.

What are the Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

Testosterone affects much more than just sex drive. Some of the main symptoms of low testosterone levels include:

  • Снижение мышечной массы
  • Увеличение жировых отложений
  • Трудности со сном
  • Депрессия и тревога
  • Brain fog and poor memory
  • Усталость
  • Низкое половое влечение
  • Сексуальная дисфункция

What’s Considered Low Testosterone?

Testosterone can be measured with a simple blood test. The American Urological Association describes low testosterone as being less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). For reference, a normal testosterone level in a healthy adult man can range anywhere from 300 to 1,000. If you fall below this threshold, you may be considered to have low testosterone.

Is Testosterone Therapy Right for Me?

This can depend on a variety of factors, such as your symptoms, testosterone levels, and goals for treatment. Generally, if you’re experiencing the above symptoms, you may be able to benefit from testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone replacement therapy can help mitigate symptoms that interfere with daily living, but it can also help treat concerns like эректильная дисфункция or низкое либидо. If you struggle with these issues, you should meet with an intimate health provider to learn more.

With testosterone therapy, it’s important to meet with a knowledgeable provider who can assess your medical history and goals for treatment to ensure it will be safe and effective for you. Many testosterone clinics exist, especially online, where you can access testosterone. Unfortunately, these are not always safe, reputable, or honest. We always recommend seeking out an intimate health provider who can help you determine the best path forward for your health and lifestyle.

Заместительная терапия тестостероном в Центре здоровья и эстетики Tideline

To begin your journey toward better intimate health, we encourage you to meet with our team. Contact our office today by calling or filling out our online form. We conveniently serve the greater Long Island and Queens, NY areas.

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